Sunday, December 12, 2010
May 18, 2009
I stumbled upon this entry:
"okay dreams:
I was using the Fresh Prince's toilet and I was trying to flush it so I kept flushing it BUT things kept coming out like-- a nalgene (i kept it), a plastic sheet."
Yep, these are the sorts of things I am glad I can look back on.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
can you speak up, please?
It has definitely been an interesting 2 days teaching without a voice.
My Geometry students handled my lack of voice well today. Some students asked me if I would sign to them. So I did. I taught them the motions for boy, lamp, awesome, and my favorite, diarrhea (they really liked that one).
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
happy tuesday!
student: i could never be a girl, they have too much hair
me: you could always just buzz your head if you didn't like your hair
student: WHAT?! and be like Britney Spears?
me: I am so glad you just said that
Monday, November 22, 2010
between a rock and a hard place
You see, I have one more day of work until Thanksgiving Break. I had decided that tonight I would be very productive and get a lot of things done, like all my planning and grade entered so I could enjoy break to its fullest. So, I sat down in the living room, getting ready to watch Oprah's Ultimate Favorite Things Part 2 and I get on the computer to access my grade book and all of my school files electronically and the server is down! So there is really no way for me to do any of the planning or entering that I had anticipated. So now, I am sitting in my house by myself, eating icing, waiting for Dancing with the Stars to come on at 7pm.
I've been 'googling' a lot of things this evening.
For instance:
I've been scouting out the prices of mixers---I REALLY WANT ONE. I am really scared to buy one though, because they're EXPENSIVE.
I would get this one:

It's a silver metallic 5-quart artisan mixer. IT'S SO PRETTY.
It's weird, because I typically don't like 'things' and there aren't a whole lot of items I really want so, i'm still on the fence with this purchase. i do want to black-friday-it-up, but, there's a good chance i'll chicken out with this buy.
in other news, Nancy Drew has taken a HUGE back seat. I miss her. I'm currently reading another type of mystery novel about a girl named Mary Russell--and get this--the novel features Sherlock Holmes!! it is SO COOL. Mary meets Sherlock (who in the book knows he is a fictional character, but he's real) and they solve mysteries together. So I've realized that I really like mystery novels.
Also, Young Life is freaking awesome.
Also, I think this picture is funny (as you can tell, I am bored...I'm rambling AND inserting pictures)
Melissa, Me, Danny
Sunday, November 7, 2010
oh my
The students are very tired (and so are the teachers!), they haven't had a day off of school YET, so they are definitely dragging. While most things are overwhelming at school, I'm trying to keep in mind the little things that make the day a little bit more fun.
For instance, here is a conversation I had with a student after the break dancing club made their appearance at school:
Me: So, how did you like the assembly?
Girl: it was awesome. the boys were sexy. I mean, Ms. Ebberts, don't you think they were fine?
Me: Uh...
Girl: It's okay Ms. Ebberts, for a teacher, you can think students are fiiine. don't you think that boy was fine? Wasn't he sexy?
Me: Uh...I don't really think about students in that way...
Student: Ms. Ebberts, you would look really good with gauged ears.
Me: Why thank you?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
why i love teaching
In Geometry, I had students work in groups on the chalkboard to find the area of a regular nonagon.
Here is a conversation I was a part of:
(I walk up to check in on a group)
Bobby: I'm going to throw up on you
Me: what did you just say? did you just say you're going to throw up on someone?
Bobby: yeah.
Me: okay, that's what I thought...
(10 seconds later)
Sally: Ms. Ebberts, Katie is being mean, punish her.
Me: what do you want me to do to her?
Katie: FAIL HER.
Me: okay, fine, I'll fail her and then I'll make Bobby throw up all over her. Does that sound good?
The group: EW Ms. Ebberts
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
getting smart
Here's what I've learned this week:
forensics is different from florensics. in fact, florensics is not a real word.
and a cockroach can live up to 9 days after its head is cut off
Sunday, October 10, 2010
the haunted showboat
"Nancy, you helped me recover something more precious than all the gold in the world." -Donna Mae
This was another original copy and this book included the most details on Nancy's mother. Hannah Gruen and Nancy talk about a shawl and fan of Nancy's mom, it was kind of nice to see Nancy show some emotion and see that she has sentimental value to something in life.
Besides getting a glimpse into Nancy's emotions, sometimes I really don't understand her. For instance, she is driving with Bess and George and hears a ticking noise in her car. Sure enough, when she pulls over, there is a BOMB on the car. Not only that, but the next day her car gets stolen. And as if these events aren't already enough for someone to become very anxious or scared, no, Mr. Drew buys her a brand new yellow convertible and she continues on her trip to Louisiana.SHE IS NOT EVEN PHASED!!!! I think if I ever found a bomb on my car, I'd be a little shaken up. But, I guess bombs are not a new idea to Nancy or Carson, since they've had bombs planted on their cars before. I mean, I got a flat tire last weekend and now I check my tire every time I get in and out of my car...
Okay, but anyway, besides Nancy being her fearless self, she goes down south to spend time with George's cousin and solve a mystery.
You see, there is a showboat that the Haver's family wants to use for a play they are putting on, but it's HAUNTED. Nancy to the rescue. I will say, I was not pleased with the conclusion of this mystery. I feel like it was all just thrown together at the last minute and very anti-climactic. I am impressed, however, by Nancy's ability to find a crumpled maroon and gold piece of paper and come to the conclusion she did.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
3 Willows
I just read 3 Willows The Sisterhood Continues It's by the same author of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants except this was about 3 friends who have grown apart. You see, when I go to the library, I head immediately to the "young adult" section. I have come to terms with this. I enjoy reading about high school things. And I feel I am justified in choosing from the Juvinile and Young Adult section because 1) I am a high school teacher, so I have to keep up with the times and 2) I didn't read growing up, so I've got to make up for lost time.
I'm hoping I'll get a chance to report on ND sometime soon.
Best part about today: My "to do list" includes watching Grey's Anatomy!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
i dream of nancy
Sunday, September 12, 2010
the hidden window mystery
but, something fun about it was it was an ORIGINAL copy. This means, no editing has been done to the story or characters unlike the other books I've been reading. This one was published in 1956. The originals are longer than the edited versions (approx 180 pages).
Here are some differences that I noticed:
Nancy is BLOND (in the edited version she is titian (red-blond))
Hannah Gruen is 'colored' and illiterate.
Nancy was 3 when her mom died (never specifically mentioned in the edited, however, it is hinted at that she was around 7 or 8)
Also, the wording and descriptions are much more uninhibited in this one, which is part of the reason why they were edited in the first place. To make Nancy less independent and to try to decrease the labeling and stereotyping of non-white people. ex. Hannah Gruen. Words such as "hussy" and "colored" and "slave" are definitely not mentioned in the newer versions.
Okay, that was exciting. I felt so honored to be reading an original copy. Cool thing: my grandma has some ND's and she has The Secret of the Old Clock(the very first one) which was made in like 1930!!!!! BAH. I'm going to look at it next time I go home.
Okay, so here is the premise of the story:
Nancy is reading the Continental Magazine and sees a want ad to find a missing stained glass window---reward money is involved. So naturally, Nancy wants to search for this in order to give the money to the local hospital charity. This mystery involves peacocks, old mansions, and even a ghost. I thought it was a nice story. Something this story was lacking, however, was a 'high speed' car chase and Nancy getting mugged. Maybe it will happen in the next story, The Haunted Showboat
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
habla espanol
yamame ms. ebberts
student: do you know what this says?
me: you do know that should be a double 'l' instead of a 'y', right?
Not only do my students think I'm 27, but they also think I'm really good at Spanish. I've got them fooled like nobody's business :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
first bodily function quote of the year!
i overheard one of my students say this while i was making my 'rounds' in the room. while he was saying that sentence, i was approaching their group, not because i was wanting to hear this, it just happened. i got to their group right as he finished the word "dump." i then proceeded to walk away and ask the next group how they were doing.
Monday, August 23, 2010
oh hey school year
day 3 of school finished!
student: you know spanish?
me: well, i took 4 years in high school, but that was a long time ago
student: ms. ebberts, you only look like you are 28, you are not old.
me: you're right, 28 isn't old.
student: have you gone to any reunions yet?
so the good news is my students seem to think i'm quite a bit older than what i really am. maybe it will be easier to instill fear in them :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
oh, Togo!
Togo (Nancy's terrier) gets hit by a car in the beginning of the book! Couldn't believe it when I was reading, but no worries, Togo survived and is as feisty as ever in The Hidden Window Mystery.
I'm reading an original copy and can already see some differences!
oh, i love my job!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
the witch tree symbol
SO, this mystery takes place in the AMISH COMMUNITY. Nancy and friends travel to Pennsylvania Dutch country to try to track down an antique thief. It all starts with Nancy finding a mysterious symbol in an old mansion. I really enjoyed this book, not only for the mystery aspect, but also because it was Nancy in a different setting and the book included information about Church and Home Amish (not sure how accurate the info, but I felt like i was being educated. And also included various German phrases and different customs of the Amish. I also liked how this book (unlike the last) was not over the top and could have potentially happened. OH, and some of the Amish people thought Nancy was a witch, which I thought was funny.
My favorite quote from George (who is REALLY funny. I like here because she is VERY logical and rational, she compliments Bess and Nancy well) summing up their mission:
"So now we start roaming the countryside, looking for a fake Amish man driving a black horse and carriage. Who wants the honor of pulling off his false beard?" p. 63
I don't want to give away the ending but let me just tease you with an excerpt from the book:
"Suddenly Nancy had an idea. Perhaps the boy was a deaf mute! She decided to test him." p. 160
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
the scarlet slipper mystery
The story starts off with Nancy flying back from visiting Aunt Eloise in NY. She sits by a man from Centrovia, and i knew in that moment that it would be KEY to her next mystery.
The premise behind this story is Nancy helps brother and sister Henri and Helene Fontaine from Centrovis who received a threatening note that they needed to leave River Heights. Natually, Nancy disregards this threatening message and asked Mr. Drew and Hannah if the Fontaines can stay with them. You see, the Fontaines had to leave France because they were accused of being jewel thieves and fled to River Heights to continue teaching dance in their studio. Did i mention Nancy is a superb ballerina? Because she is.
This story is really involved and includes a lot of characters with a lot of aliases. You would think that this would be really interesting and add to the excitement, but it does not. I found it very hard to follow in addition to seeing how the various characters and situations fit together in the conclusion.
I will say this is the first time in one of her mysteries where i truly doubted and was unsure about whether someone who Nancy had deemed as "good" really was. What I mean by this is there was definitely grey area about whether people were being truthful or not. Like, I was unsure of whether the Fontaines were being truthful or not---so props to you, writer of this particular story.
I don't want to give away the ending, but let's just say, if you smell kerosene and see someone with a large container of it near a house---get out, because chances are this person is going to burn the place up!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
oh hey cali
i have 1 more full day here before i head back to missouri monday morning.
so far on my trip i have:
gotten a FREE nalgene and t-shirt
beached it up (read ND)
almost gotten attacked by a flock of seagulls (the actual bird NOT the really bad music group)
seen inception (fine movie)
worked out on muscle beach in venice
eaten at a bakery specializing in CUPCAKES--Sprinkles in Beverly Hills. it was like the cupcake places you see on TV, where you wait in line for a long time.
and lots of other things.
there's lots of organic places here. and as we've (me and sister) have been walking around, we've passed this restaurant called "Planet RAW" and each time we pass it, I like to saw the name as if I'm introducing a wrestler.
i have about 5 pages left in my latest ND book. More to report soon. just so you know, this has been the most COMPLICATED mystery yet. ever read count of monte cristo? yeah, kind of like that.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
the ringmaster's secret
-Bess Marvin
I don't know if i would go THAT FAR, Bess, but this was quite the mystery. This one involves a circus that stopped in River Heights. The story starts out with Nancy at her weekly riding lessons with Senor Roberto. Nancy is very skilled in the art of "bareback" riding, so much so, that when a circus performer got injured, Nancy took her place so the show could continue!
The premise behind this story is sparked from a charm bracelet given to her by Aunt Eloise which happens to be missing a charm. Also, Nancy befriends an aerialist named Lolita and helps to reunite her with her mother, who was presumed dead. I don't want to reveal how it ends, but let's just say that Nancy almost becomes permanently blind.
I'll be heading to Santa Monica tomorrow and I'm bring ND along to accompany me on the beach. Hopefully I'll have much to report when I return.
Friday, July 30, 2010
locked out
things are winding down:
out of apt in 1 day
move into new play in 2 days
go to L.A. in 5 days
first day of school in 20 days (yikes)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
the clue of the velvet mask
Nancy was out to catch a gang of thieves who wore black velvet masks, "The Velvet Gang" and stole things from really extravagant parties. Nancy was determined to figure out who the gang was made up of. Usually in her mysteries, there are multiple cases she is trying to solve that eventually all tie in, but this one only focused on the masked thieves. I did enjoy this mystery, because there were a lot of things I was not expecting in the book.
This book mentions several of Nancy's friends from school, Gloria Hendrick, Linda Seeley, and Alice Tompson. I find this interesting because there isn't much talk of Nancy's schooling. She reference Chemistry class in one of her earliest books and talk of her taking art classes has also been mentioned. Ned and friends go to college, I guess since all of her time is devoted to sleuthing, she doesn't really have time for higher education.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
mystery at the ski jump
Here is the premise of this story:
The Forest Fur Company is selling fur items and stock (as in an investment) to unsuspecting ladies in River Heights and the surrounding areas. Nancy soon discovers the company to be a complete hoax after housekeeper, Hannah Gruen, purchases stock. It is up to Nancy to locate the members behind this scheme in addition to aiding Carson Drew in resolving a missing inheritance.
I was hoping the main setting of this book would be at a ski resort, it is not. However, we learn that Nancy is indeed a fine skier and even does slopes with moguls, with limited teaching from her instructor, Chuck. Also, Nancy can figure skate. What can't this young titian-haired girl do?!?! Aunt Eloise has a cabin in the mountains, so she makes an appearance in this book, and Togo (dog) is mentioned at the beginning. While this book was 'slow' in the beginning, I found myself a little anxious for Nancy's well-being towards the end.
I don't want to give anything away, but let's just say the book ends with Ned getting a deer head to place about the fireplace in his fraternity house at Emerson.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
oh hey summer
Friday was my first real day of summer (being done with my masters and such).
i started the day feeling really anxious. you see, on tuesday night, while i was at the mall, my car started freaking out and i couldn't drive it, so i spent the week without my car. long story short, i got it towed Friday morning and spent part of the afternoon crying from shock at the price to fix the car and the fact that i was completely helpless in this situation. i absolutely hated dealing with this situation because it was very inconvenient. i mean, my car was stuck at THE MALL, which is forever away from where i live (or at least it seems that way). i also really dislike asking people for help, and i had to do that a lot this week-- calling up various friends to get me around columbia. i think this is what i hated more than having to pay the mechanics. my car troubles helped bring to the surface again how much i fear being an inconvenience to people. i had to fight that this entire week, and let me tell you, it is EXHAUSTING. i am looking forward to some real rest in this upcoming week.
yesterday i also sorted through all of the papers i have accumulated over the last 13 months, it is a VERY huge stack. i found notecards that i had my students fill out on the first day of school that asked them: 1)what is your favorite tvshow or movie 2) what do you like to do for fun? and 3) what is a talent you have that most people don't know about.
i realized after reading through them yesterday, i had never read them during the school year. i feel like i missed out on a piece of my kids having missed this information, but it was nice getting to remember them for a few minutes.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
see ya, Fellows Program!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
back to ND
Went to Colorado for the weekend, fun trip, but I'm glad to be home! I got to play spades , horseshoes (my arm is still REALLY sore), walk around moraine park, and catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while.
Life Lesson from Colorado Trip: Never eat at Denny's after driving all night even if you GPS is telling you that it is the only restaurant around because Denny's is sicknasty.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
oh, hello july
June seemed like the never-ending month. It is just so wild that I was still teaching at the beginning of that month.
July is a somewhat big month for me:
1)Trip to colorado (leaving for TODAY, need to pack and get snacks)
2)Finish Fellows (one week from today)
3)Sign all my papers and contract stuff for CPS (like my retirement plan (WHAT!?) and stuff)
4)move into my new pad (which means i have to CLEAN my old place)
SO, while I feel like i have reverted back to being a teenager (watching dawson's creek, reading Twilight and Nancy Drew), there has been more to my summer than just those things. I've been studying the book of Isaiah, and it has been pretty sweet. I also have the opportunity to lead a discussion group where we talk about fundamental ideas of christianity, like who God is, the Holy Spirt, Sin, stuff like that.
"let us walk in the light of the Lord" Isaiah 2:5
Monday, June 28, 2010
the clue of the black keys
This was actually one of the first ND books I read (thanks, Rachel), but I'm going to talk about it now, since I am trying to go in sequential order!
Nancy goes on an archeological dig in Key West, Florida and finds her way to Mexico. If there is one thing from this book that I am blown away by, it's Nancy's ability to study in addition to only seeing scraps of a letter and being able to decipher the rest!. In order to prove herself 'worthy' of staying on the dig, she must take a quiz on The Aztecs of Mexico and Early Indian Tribes in Florida, let's just say the professor was impressed. In this mystery, Nancy is not only looking for a missing professor, but must find keys that help to unlock some secret special thing.
In other news, I am peeling from my sunburn--my right shin, upper thighs, right ankle, and a little on the feet. i peeled some of my skin and ate tasted weird, not bad, but i probably won't do it again. however, if someone paid me, i don't know, like 10 dollars, i'd probably eat someone's peeled skin.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
the secret of the wooden lady
this mystery takes place on the seaside of cape cod.
i was surprised at how many times Nancy set herself up to be interrupted by the pirates, Flip Fay aka The Crow and Grizzle Beard aka Red Quint.
Nancy and Bess and George are on a mission to find the missing figurehead that should be on the ship,Bonny Scot.
Overall, I wasn't impressed with this story, as it was not suspenseful, and therefore, have nothing to really write about. While I enjoyed the book, it did not live up to what i feel is Nancy quality.bootsy.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
the clue of the leaning chimney
this was a very interesting book. Nancy was solving 3 mysteries at the same time!
within the first three pages of the book, i was having flashbacks to the movie, "I Know What You Did Last Summer." If you have not seen this movie or the sequel, I highly recommend it
Anyway, Nancy and Bess are driving along on some dark, windy, mysterious road when they come across a man in the street. Let me just tell you, the man is wearing a hat and a trench coat! My reaction: keep going and lock your doors. Nancy's reaction: The man may need help, let me get out of my car and approach him. BAH. Sometimes I just don't understand Nancy. I realize she is courageous, but when does courage become stupidity?
This mystery involves 1)searching for Mr. Soong's missing friends, The Engs. (these are the "oriental" people. you can def. tell these books are outdated) 2) locating a China clay pit and 3)capturing the men who have stolen priceless Chinese vases. What does this all have to do with a leaning chimney? you'll have to read to find out.
I love that with each book I read, I learn more about Nancy and her character, both literally and figuratively.
Togo, the fox terrior, makes his appearance in this book as well.
We learn Bess Marvin has a cousin, Dick Milton, who teaches pottery lessons
More about Aunt Eloise, the attractive middle-aged school teacher from New York:
possessed a "charming grace" that markedf her as "a woman of unusual intelligence"
Eloise knew Nancy was a lot like her and secretly this "gave her a thrill"
Considered coming to live with the Drew's when Nancy's mom died, but the private school that she taught at needed her and she also felt Hannah Gruen proved herself to be "satisfactory" so Eloise stayed in NY. (p. 73)
Keene, C. (1967) The clue of the leaning chimney. New York: Grosset & Dunlap
Next up for Nancy: The Secret of the Wooden Lady (seriously?!)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
2 NDs in one!
The Clue in the Old Album (#24)
so, apparently River Heights is the hot spot for Gypsies. Nancy helps a woman find 1) a stolen doll of her deceased daughter for her granddaughter and 2) the woman's violin playing gypsie son-in-law. I'm not exactly sure what's PC, but the gypsies were sure getting a bad rap in this book.
This is the first time we meet Aunt Eloise, a middle-aged school teacher who lives in New York. She is mentioned in another book, but this is the first time Nancy officially interacts with her aunt. Also, Crow's Nest is mentioned for the first time, a popular hang out for teens (I think it's a diner). Overall, not a huge fan of this book. I feel it lacked a true mystery to solve, however, it Nancy was involved in some dangerous situations.
The Ghost of Blackwood Hall (#25)
I really liked this book. For instance, where else will you read the sentence, "The aroma of broiling hamburgers made them ravenous." (p. 47)
Also, i love the use of "plainclothesmen" and that fact that it's one word!!! Nancy and Carson Drew are always asking the police to have them keep watch on people's houses and such, it's basically an undercovercop.
This book was weird, it involved magic and people being hypnotized. Nancy's firm belief against ghosts was also stated in this book. Togo (Nancy's dog that was mentioned once in a previous book) is back! He actually helped in finding clues. This terrior would use his dog sniffing abilities to locate people.
The premise behind this story: young girls are acting very stangely and their parents are concerned! while the girls have jobs, the parents are not seeing any of the money come home! so Nancy helps to discover what is happening to their money and why are they acting so stand-offish and scared all the time. When questioned, the girls become defensive.
Let's just say Nancy attends several seances and looks in many hollowed walnut trees in order to come to a conclusion on this one.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
the mystery of the tolling bell
"Right now I'm more interested in food." (Bess Marvin, friend to Nancy)
"You shouldn't be!" George [Fayne] said bluntly, glancing at her cousin's slightly plump figure.
Nancy laughed.
"Nancy, you owe your life to George," he [Ned] said soberly.
I picked these quotes because these two girls have been with Nancy for almost every mystery. I say almost because they were not introduced until #5 The Secret of Shadow Ranch. Nancy did The Secret of the Old Clock, The Hidden Staircase, The Bungalow Mystery, and The Mystery at Lilac Inn (my Fav) pretty much solo, however, her friend, Helen Corning was present, but wasn't very experienced/good with helping solve the mysteries.
Bess and George have had significant roles in Nancy's mysteries. Bess is more reserved, typically cautious and warns the others not to go on with the mystery. She is described as "blond and plump" and usually mentions being hungry. George is "an athletic-looking girl with short dark hair" and knows judo--criminals do NOT want to mess with her.
In this book, there was like a second when I thought Nancy may die, but I know this couldn't have happened because there are 32 more books after this one!
This mystery takes place in Candleton on the west coast. In my mind, I imagined it to be a town like that of the movie I Know What You Did Last Summer (which, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is one of my favorite movies. SHH! that's a secret) or Capeside (the fictional town in Dawson's Creek)
Nancy is trying to find a bell that Paul Revere made shortly after the Revolutionary War. (I learned from this book that no two bells have the same ring!) Nancy befriends a woman named Mrs. Chantrey (one of Carson Drew's clients) and tries to figure out the connection (if any) between a french cosmetics cart, Mon Coeur, pushed by Madame and a ghostly figure that haunts Bald Head Cave, where rushing waters come just after the tolling of a bell.
I will say, in this book, I found myself being very concerned for the health of most of the main characters. Let's just say, there are sprained ankles and fumes inhaled that make people very drowsy and dizzy.
Keene, C. (1973). The mystery of the tolling bell. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
the clue in the crumbling wall
as i was reading this book, I am more confused than ever as to where the fictional River Heights is located. A part of me thinks it might be Ohio. In this book (and others) Nancy and friends visit New York by car. In this book, Nancy and Dad visit the Hamptons. This book focuses on an old castle, Heath Castle, just outside of River Heights. This castle is on the shore of a beach off the Muskoka River (which, I just googled and it's a river in Ontario, Canada). Anyhow, I must realize the River Heights is fictional and maybe isn't in any state at all.
Here's the run down of this book:
Julia Johnson is a professional dancer* who has been missing for almost 10 years. Nancy is approached by Lieutenant Masters to help find Julia because the Heath estate is to be willed to her and time is running out! Nancy has 3 weeks (this is the first time Nancy has acknowledge a time frame in order to solve a mystery) to find the professional dancer.
*what type of dancer she is was never mentioned.
Let's just say I wasn't surprised by this ending too much, except, let's just say Nancy may or may not have suggested that the fresh spring mineral water found at the Heath Castle should be bottled and sold for a profit...
Monday, June 7, 2010
the secret in the old attic
Keene, C. (1970). The secret in the old attic. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. p. 70
The mere fact Nancy EXPECTS to be captured is ridiculous! Can you imagine? Living your life, where being captured, gagged, and bound by ropes left to "starve to death" is a normal occurrence? And the only reaction from the parental units is, "Take extra caution." Hello?!
Something I've been thinking about lately: Which ever mystery Nancy is involved with, usually involves some sort of old home or artifact that has a false bottom or a secret door or sealed off room that was once used as servants quarters, and I just think, we don't really have stuff like that. Like, there is no way, I could get wrapped up in a situation like Nancy.
This story (#21) made me like Ned Nickerson A LOT more. Let's just say he came to the rescue. Here is how Mr. Drew describes Ned, "A man...with good strong muscles!" (p. 169)
I felt this mystery cleverly linked 2 VERY unrelated stories by the use of black widow spiders. I thought the ending tied together well. Nancy was asked to help a man find the unpublished composed sheet music of his deceased son and Mr. Drew also asked Nancy to help him solve a mystery of a special chemical combination to make ultra-silk. Effie (a maid), "kind-hearted and loyal to the Drew family" (p.24) is introduced.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
school's out for summer
This latest mystery involves a skeleton, a secret formula to make a silk-esque fabric, and lost sheet music that Nancy must find. Right now I am at a loss as to all of these pieces are going to fit together, but I trust Nancy will figure it out.
We had our last day of school on Friday. So, I am officially finished with my first year of teaching! As I was cleaning out my desk, I stumbled upon some quotes I had written down over the school year, all of which my students had said during class (probably while I was lecturing and they were interrupting...).I'm not sure if all high schoolers are crazy or if i just bring out the craziness in the students. Here are some of my favorites:
"Sometimes I eat bacon straight out of the package because I am too lazy to cook it"
"I'm so happy. I feel like I just won a golden globe" (this is just after getting a 42% on a test and now passing the class for the first time all year with a 60%).
Student: "Ms. Ebberts, he's never had apple pie or cherry pie"
Me: "He's not missing much."
Student: "WHAT?! Get out of America!"
Me: "Why do you need a band-aid?"
Student: " UH, cuz I have a laceration on my skin."
"Ms. Ebberts, you look like you died in high school" (she definitely YELLED this while I was teaching.)
"Ms. Ebberts, you remind me of a farm right now. I looked at you and thought of cows."
Me: "I'm a liar."
Student: "You should find Christ!"
Friday, June 4, 2010
the clue in the jewel box
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
the quest of the missing map
While I liked that this book kept me guessing and kind of tense during the read, I did not like the overall plot of the book.
Nancy (and friends) are trying to help a man find information about his long lost twin brother from sea. You see, this man, Mr. Smith, has HALF a treasure map, he brother has the other half. Their dad, captain of the ship, Sea Hawk, tore the map in half for their families to share the inheritance because he was going to die at sea. It is up to Nancy to find the missing part of the map AND help a recent widow, Ms. Chatham, discover a 'ghost' who has been living in their abandoned music studio.
See what I mean? Not a huge fan of this plot.
I do not want to give the story away, but let's just say, Nancy and Bess and George and Ned (and Burt and Dave--- Bess and George's "best dates") sail to an uncharted island in a boat called Primrose.
Monday, May 31, 2010
mystery of the moss-covered mansion
Here was the premise of the story:
Mr. Billington had been accused of trying to smuggle in several sacks of oranges containing bombs into NASA, where they were constructing a rocket that will send astronauts to the moon. Mr. Drew (and Nancy) are on the case to prove Mr. Billington innocent. This case also involves a very spooky estate that is jungle-esque in which a bunch of wild animals live. It is up to Nancy and her friends to figure out the connection between the spooky estate (moss-covered mansion) and the explosive oranges.
The ending was very unpredictable-- let's just say it involves a beamer (not like the car) and a steaming pool that would kill you if you fell in. I also enjoyed this book because it reminded me that Nancy does not do these cases alone. She relies heavily on her friends Bess Marvin and George Fayne (both girls) and Ned Nickerson (guy she exclusively dates who attends Emerson College and is the starting quaterback).
I would say this is my 2nd favorite, after #4, The Mystery at Lilac Inn.
In other news, Happy Memorial Day! I tried to go downtown to Panera, but there is a parade, so basically, entire downtown in closed off. my check engine light is still on, so anytime i drive, I am tense. Car fixer places are not open today, so i am hoping to take it somewhere tomorrow. I contemplated walking to starbucks, but realized that would take me like an hour to get there, so instead, i went to the panera on the southside of town (my secret escape).
The only thing I have to do today is read!!! How awesome is that?!
I am almost finished with #19---it involves a treasure map, more to come on that!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
mystery of the brass-bound trunk
I was quite pleased with this story. This takes place on a ship, in which Nancy leaves from Holland to New York City, called the Winschoten. The entire mystery starts because Nancy sees a man using "finger language for the deaf people" (as it's called in the book). It just so happens that this man spells out "Nancy Drew" along with the words "Beware." So, of course, Nancy is out to find this guy and figure out why he even knows who she is.
It seems as though this book had a bit more 'violence' than the others or atleast Nancy and friends were attacked more frequently in this book.
The only outlandish part I found was when the meteor hit the ocean --
"A bright object was descending from the sky."
"Then, for several seconds, there was near panic on board..."
"Its [the meteor] tremendous splash caused a tidal wave."
Keene, C. (1976). Mystery of the brass-bound trunk. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
So, in other news, I can taste summer. 4 more days of school (give the kids their finals). Yesterday, I sat outside (in my swimsuit) and read Nancy Drew. I even got a little sun, which reminds me that I have to by SUNBLOCK today. Oh, the "check engine" light is on in my car, which is no good, so i have to get that checked out tomorrow. It came on while I was driving back from KC (i was a little anxious the whole drive back, thought my car may explode. it didnt, though)
So, I'm starting to get really sad. I went home on Friday night, and I started thinking about the school year ending and I cried. I cried because I'm going to miss my kids, I'm going to miss Marti, and Kathleen, and Kevin, and I'm leaving my school to work at a new one. I really can't believe this year is coming to an end.On Tuesday of this coming week, I will be officially binding my research paper and sending it in! wooo-freaking-hoo!
To do today:
Lunch with Melissa @ 1pm
Sunday, May 23, 2010
the clue of the tapping heels
i really enjoyed this because there was more involvement with Hannah Gruen (Nancy's housekeeper since the age of 3) and Carson (dad). They usually aren't as involved in the mysteries as they were in this book. Also, I think this book helped to paint a better picture of Nancy as a person. She recognized her flaws (she should've looked at some papers hidden in a secret room) but then was able to shake them off and not prevent them from solving the mystery.
Here is an excerpt:
[Nancy's dad talking] "A few years ago I took some instructions on deactivating bombs," he explained. "I thought it might come in handy some time, but I admit I never thought it would be right in my own garage."
Keene, c. (1970) The clue of the tapping heels. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Someone had planted a bomb on Nancy's car, luckily Carson Drew came to the rescue and they were able to laugh the situation off.
I was doing some research on Nancy Drew and found out her dog Togo appeared more frequently in the original drafts of the stories (when they were written in the 1930s)
My "to-do" list for the day:
bake cinnamon rolls
eat breakfast at tanya's
check out (more) nancy drew books
work out
I've already done 2 of these things.
I was asked to be on a committee this summer to help design the major course objectives for one of the classes I'm teaching next year. I think I'm going to do it. I realized how much I LOVE learning and I want to make sure the students and I both know exactly what they need to learn in order to be successful. Then, maybe, just maybe, I can help students to see the purpose!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
the haunted bridge
Here's a little snippet of what it was about:
Several riddles confront the young detective as she attempts to solve the mystery of the haunted bridge and track down a woman suspected of being a key member of the gang of jewel thieves.
Keene, C. (1972) The haunted bridge. New York: Grosset & Dunlap
Nancy wows everyone with her golfing skills (despite an injured hand). I rather enjoyed The Haunted Bridge. It was different in the fact that Nancy wasn't necessarily tracking down the crooks, there weren't really "bad guys" in this one, yet still a mystery and twist at the end.
I will heading over to Ellis Library today to pick up another 7 or 8 books!
I read The Whispering Statue earlier this week. Here are some things I learned which makes me think this one was written by a different author than others:
Nancy has a small terrier named "Togo"
The Drews live in a brick Colonial style house, which stood well back from the street.
Now, these bits of information may seem like nothing, but to not mention these details until #13? Where has Togo been prior to all these books?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
the whispering statue
here's a little sneak peak of the next book I'll be reading:
"Nancy Drew is asked to solve a puzzling mystery...the first one concerns a valuable collection of rare books...the second revolves around the baffling theft of a beautiful marble statue...You will enjoy every moment of this thrill-packed story of how Nancy and her friends combine detective work and summer fun at a seaside resort"
Carolyn, K. (1970). The whispering statue. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Something interesting about the nancy drew series: 'carolyn keene' is just a pen name used by multiple authors who wrote the books from a designated outline. i am hoping that as i continue reading i will be able to distinguish between the authors. How cool would that be? I'm pretty sure #13 was written by a different one than #12, because I noticed each of the chapters ended with a cliff hanger question. that was something new!
maybe i will figure out the outline?
here is what i have so far. (i will have to fill in the missing pieces as i continue through the series.)
Keep in mind, I am not one for outlining NOR have I ever really made one.
1.nancy asked to do help out in a mystery.
-a.enter new person
---i. nancy befriends. person is 'less fortunate' than her (and will also be a KEY piece to the mystery)
2. nancy & best friends (bess and george) have run in with suspicious/unfriendly person(s)
Okay and from here, I haven't figured out the order, BUT:
-Drew household gets broken into
-High speed car chase; someone ends up in ditch
-Nancy becomes a prisoner (clearly towards the end).
Friday, May 7, 2010
the mystery of the ivory charm
Well, there are now 19 more high school days left.
I ABSOLUTELY cannot believe it. Did this year really happen?
I find myself asking that a lot. I had my LAST graduate class last night (raaaaahooo!)
My favorite part about the school year ending (and graduate school, too) is that I get to REFLECT.
if anyone knows me, they know I LOVE to REFLECT. bah. I love learning.
I just feel like God has opened my eyes to what it means to truly live out my faith. It has been such a challenge this year being in the 'real world.' working is so dang hard. but shoot, i love it.
i drank 3 cups of coffee tonight so i am WIRED. not weird, but wired, huh, ALMOST the same word.
Funny teacher stories of the week:
(decided that I am going to start keeping better track of this stuff)
I started 1st hour with this announcement to the class, "Alrighty class, just so you know, I drank a latte this morning and have had very little water to drink. So, there is a chance I may dehydrate and pass out, so do not be alarmed, I am just warning you."
ALSO, i was able to use, "Buzz's girlfriend, WOOF" IN MY LESSON.
Midway through teaching something in Geometry, I have absolutely no idea what, but I hear a student say, "there is nothing good about being home alone."
My response, "what do you mean? I mean, you can break into your brother buzz's room and go through all of his stuff. Then you can find a picture of his gf and say, "Buzz's girlfriend, WOOF!".
Saturday, April 10, 2010
every body's workin for the weekend
So here is what's going on:
1)I accepted a job offer to work at the OTHER high school in town.
I am absolutely excited. I was just thinking to myself, "why am I still so surprised/shock/in disbelief?" I think because I realize this is what I really wanted. I remember interviewing for the job LAST YEAR and thinking, wow, I'd really like to work here. and now I will be! It will be weird starting over, I'm a little scared, but it will be a fresh start. I am really going to miss my fellow Fellow. We've been attached at the hip for OVER a YEAR---he got a job in KC. we are a well oiled machine, so I will have to get used to a routine without him. I've already got some ideas brewing as to how I can tweak the instructional strategies and other expectations I have implemented right now. It's a little late in the game to make changes to my kids, but I can def. start brainstorming for next year. I'm not a newbie teacher anymore. boom. I'm excited that the school encourages STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY---something I am really passionate about.
2) still working through Nancy Drew series.
I just read "The Secret of Red Gate Farm". So, this one was WEIRD----Nancy dressed up in a white robe and mask to investigate a "nature cult"
3) I am now at a place where I feel like things are on the downhill. This means:
-I can think about, "what does ministry look like for me next year?"
-The end of the school year is near
-Completing my MASTERS is less than 3 months away
4) almost finished with Galatians. been working on it since Jan 1. thinking about doing a bit of OLD TESTAMENT reading now.
5) i'm 23 now. yikes.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
i'm being observed by my principal during third hour tomorrow, but other than that, the day should be okay.
im going to do laundry and relax. should be a good weekend.
so the job perspective is not looking hot for me or my colleagues, so, yikes, i'm going to fill out a job application this weekend.
i finished nancy drew and the hidden staircase. it was a bit scary.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
galatians 4:19
i have been studying the book of galatians since the beginning of the new year. this verse has really stuck out to me this weekend.
paul is so desperate for people to know Christ and the true gospel, so much so that is pains him to know that they are following a false gospel and not living in the truth.
what will it take for me to have this urgency for God's kingdom?
bring it on, march.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
i'll be...
i was on my way to Hyvee Friday night and I was just reflecting on the week, trying to figure out why i was being such a "negative nancy" and i lost it. i was thinking about giving my presentation this july and having the 'judges' or what ever the people are called who grade me tell me that i did poor research and that it was ineffective.
anyway, my fear of failure has surfaced AGAIN. this time, in a more, well, influential way. i was talking to my mentor teacher and just telling her that i wanted to quit and not do anymore work. there is absolutely no way i can turn back. i have to keep moving forward.
i am paralyzed by fear. but Lord, i trust you.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Here is something that I have really thought a lot about recently: being intentional.
being intentional with my words and my actions.
question i want to ask myself daily: am i being a good representation of christ?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
oh, hello, snowday.
second snow day in a row!
i am making pumpkin muffins, then i'm going to eat homemade pizza with tanya.
my research is coming together nicely.
i have a job interview with CPS. i am still trusting God that he wants me in columbia. so no complete freakouts about jobs just yet.
i am working for the weekend this week. which is just nuts since we are starting out the school week on a wednesday. i have forgotten what we did last week, so i'm sure my kiddos have also forgotten. but, hey, that is okay.
currently reading: pride and prejudice and zombies. 19 minutes.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
oh, hello, there
i forgot my sign in name and everything. i had to try several email addresses before successfully logging in.
it is now 2010 and here is what is going on:
1) still in grad school. i am doing research on student engagement
2) i'm a real teacher (i lay down the law. or atleast try to)
3) i like and drink coffee now (on friday evenings and sunday mornings)
4) i completed my goal for reading a book a month in 2009. i read 26 books last year. this is excluding the close to 100 journal articles and my textbooks i read.
5) i am keeping track of my spending. i made an excel spreadsheet where i enter in everything that i spend money on. this is my way to get used to the idea of a 'budget'.
6) i try to be in bed before 8:30 or 9 most nights (excluding the weekends)
7) friday night has been deemed 'relax and do homework' night.
8) i am studying the book of galatians. love the emphasis of the gospel and the freedom that is in christ. i have begun to realize how natural and fluent paul talks about the gospel and this is something i want to grow in.
9) i am beginning to see what life in the 'real world' is like. and i kind of like it.