Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back to School

It's that time of year again. Yep, that's right, it's time for "guess how hold Ms. Ebberts is" game.

Well, I never know how it begins, but someone always starts talking about how old I am.

I mainly got in the 30s. Lots of guesses for ages in between 37 and 32.
So, I decided to have a little fun...
Me: okay, I'll give you a hint. I was born before 1996 (which is the year most of them were born) and after 1963.
Class: WAIT! What?!
Boy (yells): that means she was baptized!
Then he looks directly at me and says, "right? Isn't like that the way that people say they have two births and are like reborn?"

I don't remember exactly what my response was but I know what I wanted to say: yes, you can be reborn through belief in Jesus. But I figured that probably goes against the whole separation of church and state, so I just laughed and did an example of applying linear pairs and vertical angles to the class instead.