Friday, May 7, 2010

the mystery of the ivory charm

on #13 in the Nancy Drew series. Only 43 more to go!

Well, there are now 19 more high school days left.
I ABSOLUTELY cannot believe it. Did this year really happen?
I find myself asking that a lot. I had my LAST graduate class last night (raaaaahooo!)
My favorite part about the school year ending (and graduate school, too) is that I get to REFLECT.
if anyone knows me, they know I LOVE to REFLECT. bah. I love learning.
I just feel like God has opened my eyes to what it means to truly live out my faith. It has been such a challenge this year being in the 'real world.' working is so dang hard. but shoot, i love it.

i drank 3 cups of coffee tonight so i am WIRED. not weird, but wired, huh, ALMOST the same word.

Funny teacher stories of the week:
(decided that I am going to start keeping better track of this stuff)

I started 1st hour with this announcement to the class, "Alrighty class, just so you know, I drank a latte this morning and have had very little water to drink. So, there is a chance I may dehydrate and pass out, so do not be alarmed, I am just warning you."

ALSO, i was able to use, "Buzz's girlfriend, WOOF" IN MY LESSON.

Midway through teaching something in Geometry, I have absolutely no idea what, but I hear a student say, "there is nothing good about being home alone."
My response, "what do you mean? I mean, you can break into your brother buzz's room and go through all of his stuff. Then you can find a picture of his gf and say, "Buzz's girlfriend, WOOF!".

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