Friday, September 2, 2011

Just a typical day at school:

boy: Uh, Ms. Ebberts, how come your shoes never match your outfit? (khaki shorts and a green Rock Bridge t-shirt)
me: You don't think this matches? I like my colorful shoes (red peeptoe flats).
boy: no
me: You'll find that I don't really own a normal color of shoe. I like to mix it up.
boy: So, can we buy you some new clothes?

[sidenote: after class, I learned this student intends to go college for fashion design. So, I suppose he was justified in his inquiries]

girl: ms. ebberts, do you know how to get crisco out of hair?
me: do you have crisco in your hair?
girl: yeah, some boy put it in my hair while we were playing volleyball last night.
me: well, let me go look it up.

SO, while my kids were working on graphing stuff, I go to my desk and google: "how to get crisco out of your hair." and wouldn't you know, there are answers: baking soda and water or apple cider vinegar. I then proceeded back to the girl and decided to sit down at her group. I proceeded to tell my students about my own experience of conditioning my hair with mayonnaise. it was quite the bonding experience.

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