Wednesday, January 19, 2011

bruin pride

School was fun today, here's why:

1) During the middle of my lesson, here is conversation that occurred

Student: Ms. Ebberts, Ellie threw my pencil on the ground!
Me: Ooookay, what do you want me to do about it?
Student: Call the police!
Me(pick up the phone): Hey, cops, it's Ms. Ebberts. Yeah, can you come get Ellie, she's throwing pencils on the ground. Bye.

Then I carried on with my lesson...i LOVE joking with students!

2) Also, after school we had an award ceremony, called bruin pride. each teacher has an opportunity to nominate a student who may not normally receive recognition. you can base your nomination on attitude, contributions to the class, or really any reason you feel a kiddo deserves to be praised. hands down, I had a kid I wanted to nominate.
It was really exciting because his parents came and so did his grandpa and he kept telling me how honored he was to be receiving the award. I asked him if he was nervous when I was telling the audience about him and he said, "yeah, i was so nervous, my legs were shaking and my heart was beating out of my shirt."

As we were leaving the ceremony he also said, "this is an honor, i'm always going to remember this."

3) AND, to top it all off--just got the call, SNOW DAY TOMORROW.