Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the ringmaster's secret

"This is so marvelous i could cry. This is the best mystery Nancy has ever solved."
-Bess Marvin

I don't know if i would go THAT FAR, Bess, but this was quite the mystery. This one involves a circus that stopped in River Heights. The story starts out with Nancy at her weekly riding lessons with Senor Roberto. Nancy is very skilled in the art of "bareback" riding, so much so, that when a circus performer got injured, Nancy took her place so the show could continue!
The premise behind this story is sparked from a charm bracelet given to her by Aunt Eloise which happens to be missing a charm. Also, Nancy befriends an aerialist named Lolita and helps to reunite her with her mother, who was presumed dead. I don't want to reveal how it ends, but let's just say that Nancy almost becomes permanently blind.

I'll be heading to Santa Monica tomorrow and I'm bring ND along to accompany me on the beach. Hopefully I'll have much to report when I return.

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