Sunday, June 6, 2010

school's out for summer

No, this is not a Nancy story. I am about a 1/3 of the way done with her next mystery. I've been super exhausted this week and averaging about 2 pages a night. to give you a little sneak peak:
This latest mystery involves a skeleton, a secret formula to make a silk-esque fabric, and lost sheet music that Nancy must find. Right now I am at a loss as to all of these pieces are going to fit together, but I trust Nancy will figure it out.

We had our last day of school on Friday. So, I am officially finished with my first year of teaching! As I was cleaning out my desk, I stumbled upon some quotes I had written down over the school year, all of which my students had said during class (probably while I was lecturing and they were interrupting...).I'm not sure if all high schoolers are crazy or if i just bring out the craziness in the students. Here are some of my favorites:

"Sometimes I eat bacon straight out of the package because I am too lazy to cook it"

"I'm so happy. I feel like I just won a golden globe" (this is just after getting a 42% on a test and now passing the class for the first time all year with a 60%).

Student: "Ms. Ebberts, he's never had apple pie or cherry pie"
Me: "He's not missing much."
Student: "WHAT?! Get out of America!"

Me: "Why do you need a band-aid?"
Student: " UH, cuz I have a laceration on my skin."

"Ms. Ebberts, you look like you died in high school" (she definitely YELLED this while I was teaching.)

"Ms. Ebberts, you remind me of a farm right now. I looked at you and thought of cows."

Me: "I'm a liar."
Student: "You should find Christ!"

1 comment:

aimee paule said...

Love this! I started writing quotes in my journal, but I have decided that I should keep a journal just in itself designed for great student quotes. They're hilarious!